Installing CentOS 5.5 with Linux Integration Services 2.1 on Hyper-V R2

Hyper-V R2 brings some powerful virtualization to the table for those of us who do not have either the skills or the desire to work with virtual machineware. Most fans of Hyper-V are also likely to be well versed in Windows and may often lack the knowledge to rummage through Linux. Although there are many resources available regarding Linux on Hyper-V, I felt that most assumed the reader had intimate knowledge with Linux, which is often not the case.

For Windows administrators new to Linux who wish to provide virtualized services to their end-users, my recommendation is to stick to CentOS 5.5. Being a close derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), the officially supported distribution by Microsoft, installation of the Integration Components is simplified and stability is matched to what is found when running RHEL.

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The majority of internet users still use archaic resolutions

It has become the unsaid consensus over the years that NETMARKETSHARE is an accurate source for up to date data regarding the real world happenings of the internet. For me, the most important information they track is screen resolution. With the flood of new internet connected mobile devices, the revolution that was brought on by netbooks and the never ending wave of new monitor shapes and sizes, you cannot help but feel lost when you are doing your site design mock ups. Do you make your site wide? Do you make it narrow? What can users see vertically when they first open the page? Using a bit of excel kung-fu, I spliced up their resolution statistics and came up with the following table.

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